Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Ah, those were the days...

Having picnics and chasing butterflies on green lawns in the sunshine, beneath the humming power lines at the suburban park, I remember all too fondly my days in Ajax and wonder if almost anything can be romanticized with the passing of time. It's what I grew up with and one day I'll have to return there, maybe not to the suburbs, but at least to live in Toronto when I'm old if I never go back while I'm young. But I think fond memories favour the summers, though I can recall the winters well enough, and even some heart-pumping snowball matches with Sarain and the local kids at James S. Bell, and the few good shots I got in. Sarain was always on my side because I was never a good enough shot to go it alone, and she could be counted on for the right amount of indignation if someone started packing iceballs instead of snowballs. The kids usually listened to that, I think. But summer days beat the wintertime hands down, and that's why I'd better live in a warm clime - maybe France or mild England though it's got it's share of rain for sure - and make some memories there. Then I can be nostalgic for those places when I'm older, and how much better is that than chilly old Nagahama?

Went back to school today and distributed Vietnamese candies and some bowls to the very special four people who got them by virtue or by station. My tantosha definitely got hers by station. She didn't even welcome me back or ask about the tsunami, though everyone else did, including teachers who had never spoken to me before. I told the story so many times it's getting to be a little polished. I'm having fun with it. I have my first solo class tomorrow - long overdue - but I'm not eager for it. Photocopied activities from the book. I'm sure they'll love it.

1 comment:

Crissy Calhoun said...

nostalgia for the durham region. but alas, it would never be the same - kids can live in the suburbs, grown-ups like us can't. that's my opinion. do you remember that 'hill" behind the Bains' house that was really like an underground power station or something and we used to have races on it? between those two mushroom-shaped metal things?

hope your solo class goes well...