Sunday, November 07, 2004

The Oncoming Cold

I just got home from Ishiyama. Took the train part way with Veronica, who was heading out to a lunch with her Vice Principal, still full after our bolted breakfast of french toast and bacon. The sky is grey today, but we agreed that it is a nice day, a good day for being outside, as it is so warm.

We both dread the cold. I refuse to be "shut in" by the cold. I put "shut in" in quotation marks, because it's something that happens to Japanese people, not so much from cold as from shyness. Some people never leave their houses except to go to the combini for a snack or to the video store for a movie. Well I come from Canada, dammit, and even if my apartment is not heated, I refuse to be shut in by this oncoming cold. In fact, since my apartment is not heated it gives me even more reason to go out, because it's like I'm outside already. Only my massive goose down duvet will protect me. That thing is so warm! I had it on one morning, and I got out of bed and puttered around the kitchen for about forty minutes, then I crawled back into bed and it was still warm! So my duvet will be my heat saviour. Either that or I'll have to pitch a tent with Veronica and we can camp in her bedroom, conserving valuable heat. This is life in Japan!

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