Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Grimness begone!

As the cold and dark nights creep up on us, making the afternoons cold and dark, I find myself cycling home along the red patched sidewalk in darkness instead of afternoon sunshine. It's amazing how a place can be transformed by the absence of light, and that's all darkness is. Darkness is actually the norm - it's light that's the periodic visitor. Da Vinci suggested that a painter begin the canvas with a wash of black, because only the illuminated portions should be anything but black.

Grimness begone!

I am trying to get back on the path of righteousnous, if righteousness can be described as attention to learning, physical exercise and creative activity. A very humanistic description to be sure, and really the term righteousness is far to laden with book-burning tradition to serve my purposes here. Has anyone heard of the bonfire of the vanities? Savonarola, an upstart preacher in renaissance Florence started the tradition of a giant bonfire, burning all the "vanities" that he felt were condemning his city to moral turpitude. These included the writing of ancient philosophers, poets, playwrites as well as paintings and sculptures by great masters. It seems astounding to me, and an example of the brand of righteousness that seems to be afflicting politics in the United States right now.

Grimness begone!

Tonight, I'm looking forward to an easy evening of watching exciting tv episodes of "Alias" and possibly "Lost". This is what we do at the Highlife Morii, an apartment complex inhabited by an inordinate number of foreign English teachers.

And thus, I have updated my much-neglected blog.

1 comment:

Michael said...

I would just like to let you know you are an Grade A+++ blogger.